Associated Nephrologist Doctors

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Associate Nephrologists

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Dr. Edgar Delgado


Doctor of medicine, graduated from the University of Panama. He completed his specialty in Internal Medicine at the Dr. Rafael Hernandez Regional Hospital, and Nephrology at the Dr. Arnulfo Madrid Hospital Complex. He completed a fellowship at the Hospital del Mar in Barcellona, ​​Spain. He is currently a nephrologist at the Dr. Rafael Hernandez Regional Hospital.
CETRERSA: (507) 6671-9107

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Dr. Mario Girón


Doctor of Medicine, graduated from the University of Panama Internal Medicine and Nephrology at the Social Security Hospital Complex. Currently a Nephrologist at the Rafael Hernandez Hospital in Chiriqui, Panama.
CETRERSA: (507) 6625-5723

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Dra. Rocío Arroyo


Doctor of Medicine, graduated from the University of Panama. Internal Medicine at the Rafael Hernandez Hospital, David, Chiriquí. Nephrology at the Social Security Fund. He completed a Fellowship in the Department of Nephrology at the University of Ontario, Canada. She was an official Nephrologist at the Rafael Hernandez Hospital in Chiriquí, Panama.
CETRERSA: (507) 6671-89-30